Gain Visibility Over Your Internal Threats
Cybra offers a full suite of internal penetration testing services in Australia.
What is an internal pentest?
An internal penetration test is the ethical hacking of an organisation’s internal network and systems to identify security risks.
Attackers can find their way into your internal network through phishing, website malware, external vulnerabilities and more.
Internal pentest pricing
The price for internal penetration testing varies depending on the size of the networks and how many systems an organisation has. Cybra will scope the engagement based on size and complexity.
Dangers of internal pentests
All penetration testing has a chance of adversely affecting systems, but this is very rare. All systems and networks should have adequate bandwidth and system resources before commencing.
Benefits of internal pentests
The assessment identifies security gaps and vulnerabilities in internal networks and systems, so the customer can remediate them before they are exploited by a malicious actor.
What systems can be tested?
Any services hosted in a network environment that is isolated from the internet. Some systems can include network firewalls, switches, PCs, laptops, servers, printers, virtual machines, VOIP, IOT, SCADA, and VLANs.
Out of scope
Denial of Service (DoS) is strictly out of scope for internal penetration testing unless the customer requires it.